GeoMedia® Smart Client Tech Blog

Technical blog about GeoMedia® Smart Client

Last blog entry in WordPress

This is it. The last drumbeat. The end of the journey. A journey which lasted for 2 1/2 years. This is the last blog entry of the GeoMedia Smart Client team in WordPress. But don’t be sad, we are not going too far away. The only change for you is a new URL in the webbrowser.

There you will find every bit of information you will need. The community will also contains a blog.

These lines are for you. We want to thank you for following us via WordPress subscription or via email subscription. We also want to thank for commenting on our topics and at least for reading them. At last we want to share some insights statistics with you:


That’s all folks.

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Release of GeoMedia Smart Client 2015

November/December. Dawn of the winter. Christmas markets are opening up. Everywhere it smells of mulled wine and christmas. Temperatures, which are more comfortable than the heat in the summer. The last two months in the year are absolutely fabulous aren’t they?

These months also means that is time for a brand new GeoMedia Smart Client. Apart from the number of year behind the software, this time there are many many new features to discover in Smart Client. Details about some of them will be described in the following few blog entries, which appears in the next few weeks.

If you are looking for since GMSC 2015 (sinceGMSC2015) in our online help you will get an overview what is new in GMSC 2015.

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Coordinate reference systems in GMSC

Imagine you are setting up a new project and from your point of you view, you did everything right. Uploading the associated *.csf for your coordinate reference system (CRS), defining an optional EPSG code, assigning the rights and you are starting GeoMedia Smart Client. But while GeoMedia Smart Client is loading you get an error message and the program shuts down.

Evil spirits or even a bug??

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Mystery log files!?

Imagine you get an error somewhere at your Smart Client application (Administrator, Client, Workflows, TileService, SmartClient Service or the MapService) and you don’t know how the error occurred.

Don’t panic!

If you have followed step 20 at the Installation Guide of the GeoMedia Smart Client ( => modify the security settings for the NetworkService), you will get a few log files, where the reason for your error is written. So there are five log files on the server side

  1. Administrator (GMSC_Install_Dir\Program\Administrator\Log)
  2. SmartClient Services (GMSC_Install_Dir\Program\Log)
  3. Workflow (GMSC_Install_Dir\Program\Workflows\Log)
  4. MapService (GMSC_Install_Dir\Program\Maps\Log)
  5. Tile Service (GMSC_Install_Dir\Program\TileService\Log)

On the client side you can find the log file at (C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\log). You don’t have necessarily go to this folder to get detailed information about the error of the client. This specific log file can be opened in the Smart Client itself (How to? Read here)
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